Wednesday, May 5, 2010

“The beginning of wisdom…”

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.”- Chinese Proverb.

- We often get this one mixed up. The goal of the spiritual life is divine union not personal or private wholeness. John’s metaphor of the vine and the branches rightly defines perfection as union rather than achievement. – Father Soc.


1 comment:

  1. First of all,let me comment on the picture above. Wow! Very beautiful...more so because I just came from visiting the Virgin of Manaoag last week where and when I just kind of gawked (sorry, that sounds irreverent) at the Lady's beautiful statue...well, that is the artist in me. I always think that I am not good enough to do her portrait...she, the most beautiful of God's creatures.

    Secondly, I feel "validated", if that is the right word for what I feel about the ultimate point of the spiritual life...In the past I get disturbed whenever I hear talks in seminars and recollections pointing to self-actualization and personal wholeness....Thank you Fr. Soc for this very precise and very helpful spiritual insight...let's hear more of this.
