“It’s not what you do in life, it’s what you finish.” –Katharine Hepburn.
- Many don’t even start because they are afraid to fail. The only failure is not trying. – Father Soc.
Text messages of Father Soc from collections of quotations and sayings of persons, non-persons, virtual and fictional characters, religious and secular sources -- to nourish, guide, strengthen, keep us more alive and thankful, hopeful and faithful -- compiled by frbarats.
“It’s not what you do in life, it’s what you finish.” –Katharine Hepburn.
- Many don’t even start because they are afraid to fail. The only failure is not trying. – Father Soc.
“ A good person is not one who does the right thing but one who is in the habit of doing the right thing”. – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
- Don’t just do good, be good! – Father Soc.
“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus on the brightest. I do not judge the universe.” – The Dalai Lama.
- It is really difficult to be certain whether what happens to us is good or bad. All we know is that all that comes to us is meant ultimately for our growth in maturity and holiness. – Father Soc.
“Everybody wants to save the earth; nobody wants to help Mom with the dishes.” – P. J. Rourke in “All the Trouble in the World’
- Let’s get back to the basics. – Father Soc.
“God is in the details.” – Ludwig Mies Van der Robe.
- If only you would pay more attention to the subtle ways He says, “I Love you”, you would weep for joy. - Father Soc.
“Don’t be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against, not with the wind.” – Hamilton Mabie.
- For the new self to rise, the old self has to die daily. – Father Soc.
“It is said that Grace enters the soul through a wound.” – Heather McDonald in her play ‘An Almost Holy Picture.’
- The cracks enable the light to shine through. – Father Soc.
“Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.” – Mother Teresa of Calcuta.
- No other way! – Father Soc.